Comingsoon.net has posted an interview with Amanda from the set of Easy A. It's a great read, although it does look like part of a previous interview was reused. Nonetheless, it's great to read something from Amanda in more than 140 characters. :)
Q: Is Marianne the role you originally went out for?
Bynes: I never tried out, so they gave me this role.
Q: Do you identify with anything about the character?
Bynes: Not really. I'm not judgmental. I live and let live. I don't judge others and I don't want others to judge me so I figure it's good karma not to judge others. Actually, I don't really relate to her at all but I've met girls who are evil and try to cut you down so I can draw from experience for sure. But what's funny is she is a virgin and yet she wears these sort of vampy clothes that are trying to be conservative but are still sort of pushing the envelope. I do know girls that are so virginal yet dress like... big tramps [we laugh]. It's been really fun so far. The cast is amazing...It's been a great experience.
Read the rest of the interview here, and check out the Easy A trailer if you haven't yet!
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