Just a quick update to congratulate Emma Stone on her first ever Golden Globe nomination as Best Actress in a Comedy/Musical for Easy A! She's up against some stiff competition, but being recognized and nominated is already a win, and dare I say it, an Easy A.
Cheesy jokes aside, don't forget that Easy A is hitting stores on Blu-Ray and DVD Tuesday! This is a chance to have Amanda under your Christmas tree.
Here's a rundown of the features for the DVD and Blu-ray:
Additional Material:
Commentary with Director Will Gluck and Emma Stone
Emma Stone's Webcam Audition Footage
Gag Reel
Blu-Ray Exclusives:
Extra Credit: Pop-Up Trivia Track (BD-exclusive)
The Making of Easy A (BD-exclusive)
The School of Pop Culture: Movies of the Eighties (BD-exclusive)
Vocabulary of Hilarity (BD-exclusive)
Maybe another present would be for Amanda to announce another project and come out of retirement for real!
Thanks for sticking by as always, for reading, leaving comments, and continuing to support Amanda and this blog. Hopefully 2011 will bring more of Amanda. Entertainment needs her, don't you think?
All the best and happy holidays! See you next year.
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